Observational, sometimes called retrospective, studies are an interesting concept and have many applications in my opinion. You can think of the goal of these studies as being to reverse engineer a statistical experiment as best as possible. Since most real life (observational) data was not set up in some sort of randomized design, we need a way to reduce bias and put control/treatment individuals on equal footing before estimating any sort of causal effects. One technique of doing this is called Matching.


Matching attempts to “balance” the distribution of covariates between control/treatment individuals. To do this, we first need some sort of distance metric to use between individuals, even if this is a highly dimensional problem. Some common ones are:

  • Exact: only match individuals that have the same exact covariate values (useful if binary).
  • Propensity score: absolute or linear difference in propensity scores, which is the conditional probabilty of an individual being a treatment given its covariates.
  • Euclidean: sum of the normalized distanced for each covariate.
  • Mahalanobis: euclidean distance adjusting for covariance in the data.
  • Generalized Mahalanobis: a generalized version of the Mahalanobis distance to weight covariates by their importance to producing balance.

Using a caliper we can cap how large these distances can be for each covariate. As we become more stringent with the caliper, we throw more individuals out from consideration from each group, which you will see shortly.

Once we have distances between all individuals, we just need to match! There are a few different ways to do so:

  • Nearest neighbor: for a treatment individual, find the closest control (minimize the distance). If there’s a tie, pick randomly.
  • Optimal: finds the matching solution that minimizes overal distance. Could allow for one-to-many, where several weighted controls are matched to one treatment (or vice versa).
  • GenMatch: a genetic algorithm that attempts to find the Mahalanobis weights that produce the best balance. Again one-to-many is possible.


This example is for those of you who pay attention to the european soccer transfer news (ok ok gossip) like me. I discovered a really unique and extensive soccer data set, developed mainly by Hugo Mathien. I’ve been tinkering with it for a while and then one day I came up with a question I thought was worth investigating: When a player transfers to another team, how can you tell if he actually improved / performed better? The only way to properly test this would be to give him the exact same teammates, opponents, and game conditions for some amount of time, say a season or two, and then see if he scores more goals, gets more assists, makes more tackles, etc. But we don’t live in a world where this is possible, and that’s where an observational study comes in. What if I match games where the treatment is the club the player is representing? Obviously I would want to control for covariates like the overall skill / form of each team in the game, at what point in the season is the game, home or away status, weather, and maybe even betting odds. I believe doing so would allow us to better say if a player really got better after switching teams.

For this post, we’ll look at Gareth Bale. Specifically, we’ll look at his games playing for Tottenham and Real Madrid. We’ll try to find ones that look similar based on the attributes I mentioned above and then we’ll see if there’s a significant difference between his goals per game ratio for each club. See the Notes section at the bottom of this post for additional player and team IDs.

Data Background

As I mentioned, the data I’m using is a small sqlite database I found on Kaggle here. The game (Match) data spans from the 2008/2009 to 2015/2016 seasons. It only contains the league games from 11 european countries, so no Champions’/Europa League games are included. There’s also a ton of betting odds for each game. The data is just over 300MB and can be read into R like so:

    # Setting up environment 


    # Data Set

    db <- dbConnect(SQLite(), dbname="~/Documents/Kaggle/Soccer_Data/database.sqlite")
## [1] "Country"           "League"            "Match"            
## [4] "Player"            "Player_Attributes" "Team"             
## [7] "Team_Attributes"   "sqlite_sequence"

Data Prep

The function below helps to aggregate the data for use in our observational study. Some important things it does:

  1. Get the games our player of interest started in for each club.
  2. Create the treatment variable (1 if second team, 0 if first team) and parse some XML to get the player’s goals and assists per game.
  3. Find all player’s most recent overall rating from EA’s FIFA video game. EA updates these so I select the closest rating based on dates leading up to or on the date of the game. Get an average team rating for each team.
  4. Return a data.frame and table with some relevant statistics.
    get_data <- function(pid,       #player ID (e.g. Gareth Bale's player ID)
                         team1id,   #First Team's ID (e.g. Tottenham's Team ID)
                         team2id,   #Second Team's ID (e.g. Real Madrid's Team ID)
                         con)       #Database connection object (e.g. db)
      #treatment games are coming from the team the player moved to
      trt <- team2id
      #getting data sources
      matches <- data.frame(dbGetQuery(con,"SELECT * FROM Match"))
      players <- data.frame(dbGetQuery(con,"SELECT * FROM Player"))
      teams <- data.frame(dbGetQuery(con,"SELECT * FROM Team"))
      player_atts <- data.frame(dbGetQuery(con,"SELECT * FROM Player_Attributes"))
      #getting games involving these two teams and deleting player coordinate columns
      matches <- matches[matches$home_team_api_id %in% c(team1id,team2id) | matches$away_team_api_id %in% c(team1id,team2id),-c(12:55)]
      #keeping games where our player started
      final_matches <- matches[which(Vectorize(function(x) x %in% c(pid))(matches[,c(12:33)]),arr.ind=TRUE)[,1],]
      #we loop across each row of this data to do several things:
      #1) assign games as treatment/controls. It's not as easy as just assigning based on team, because what if teams are in the same league?
      #2) number of goals player scored each game. Found via parsing xml
      #3) nuber of assists player made each game. Found via parsing xml
      #4) creating a flag indicating whether the game was a home game
      treat <- vector()
      g <- vector()
      a <- vector()
      hf <- vector()
      for(i in 1:dim(final_matches)[1]) {
        r <- final_matches[i,]
        event_df <- xmlToDataFrame(r$goal)
        event_df <- event_df[!is.na(as.numeric(event_df$stats)),]
        g[i] <- sum(as.numeric(event_df$player1) == pid,na.rm=TRUE)
        a[i] <- sum(as.numeric(event_df$player2) == pid,na.rm=TRUE)
        if(r$home_team_api_id==trt & pid %in% r[,c(12:22)]) {
          treat[i] <- 1
        else if(r$away_team_api_id==trt & pid %in% r[,c(23:33)]) {
          treat[i] <- 1
        else { treat[i] <- 0 }
        if(pid %in% r[,c(12:22)]) {
          hf[i] <- 1
        else {
          hf[i] <- 0
      final_matches$trt <- treat
      final_matches$player_goals <- g
      final_matches$player_assists <- a
      final_matches$home_flag <- hf
      #converting date columns for use in data.table
      final_matches$date <- ymd_hms(final_matches$date)
      player_atts$date <- ymd_hms(player_atts$date)
      player_atts <- player_atts[,c("player_api_id","date","overall_rating")]
      #this loop allows us to match a rating to each player in the starting 11, based on their fifa rating. 
      #EA updates these so I select the closest rating based on dates leading up to or on game date, hence the use of the roll option
      nms <- names(final_matches[,c(12:33)])
      fm <- final_matches
      pa <- player_atts
      for(i in 1:length(nms)) {
        setkeyv(fm, c(nms[i], "date"))
        setkey(pa, "player_api_id", "date")[, closest_date:=date]
        test <- pa[fm, roll=Inf]
        fm[, nms[i] := test[, "overall_rating", with=FALSE], with=FALSE]
      #calculate average home/away team ratings per game
      fm <- as.data.frame(fm)
      fm$home_rating_avg <- rowMeans(fm[,12:22], na.rm = TRUE)
      fm$away_rating_avg <- rowMeans(fm[,23:33], na.rm = TRUE)
      #table of stats
      t <- c(teams$team_long_name[teams$team_api_id==team1id],teams$team_long_name[teams$team_api_id==team2id])
      games <- c(length(which(fm$trt==0)),length(which(fm$trt==1)))
      goals <- c(sum(fm$player_goals[fm$trt==0]),sum(fm$player_goals[fm$trt==1]))
      assists <- c(sum(fm$player_assists[fm$trt==0]),sum(fm$player_assists[fm$trt==1]))
      tbl <- rbind(games,goals,assists)
      colnames(tbl) <- t

Let’s call this function. Again, see the Notes section at the bottom of this post for additional player and team IDs.

    bale <- get_data(pid = 31921,
                     team1id = 8586,
                     team2id = 8633,

##         Tottenham Hotspur Real Madrid CF
## games                 128             75
## goals                  25             29
## assists                13             17

We can see that Gareth has more goals as a madridista, even while playing less games. But could this be because he’s in an easier league or with better teammates? Let’s use Matching to find out.


Let’s look at Matching in a way I find intuitive: visually through multivariate plots. Since Matching “balances” covariates, we can think of the joint distributions of our control and treatment groups to become more overlapped the better the balance. So if I use the home and away teams’ average rating for each game, we see something like below. Can you guess where los clasicos are ;)?

    dataEllipse(bale$data$home_rating_avg, bale$data$away_rating_avg, as.factor(bale$data$trt), asp=1, levels=0.5, lwd=2, center.pch=16, 
                xlab= "Home Team Avg. Rating", ylab= "Away Team Avg. Rating", xlim= c(65,87), ylim= c(65,87),
                col=c("blue","black"), main="Joint distribution of two variables (before matching)")
    legend(x="topleft", legend=c("Real Madrid", "Tottenham"), pch=c(2,1), col=c("black", "blue"))

If we do a quick and dirty Matching and tighten our caliper, you can see that the distribtuions begin to overlap more. However we throw out more and more individual games while doing so. This is always the tradeoff with Matching.

    x <- cbind(bale$data$home_rating_avg , bale$data$away_rating_avg)  #covariates to match on
    tr <- bale$data$trt                                                #treatment variable
    y <- bale$data$player_goals                                        #response we're measuring

    cals <- c(1.5,0.75,0.25)                                           #calipers to loop over

    for(i in cals){
      m <- Match(Y=y,
                 replace = FALSE,
      title <- paste0("Joint distribution of two variables (caliper = " , i, ")",sep="")
      dataEllipse(m$mdata$X[,1], m$mdata$X[,2], as.factor(m$mdata$Tr), asp=1, levels=0.5, lwd=2, center.pch=16, 
                  xlab= "Home Team Avg. Rating", ylab= "Away Team Avg. Rating", xlim= c(65,87), ylim= c(65,87),
                  col=c("blue","black"), main=title)
      legend(x="topleft", legend=c("Real Madrid", "Tottenham"), pch=c(2,1), col=c("black", "blue"))

Now let’s do a more technical Matching. I will match on the following covariates:

  • stage = what number game in the league season it is
  • B365H = Bet365 home win odds
  • B365D = Bet365 draw odds
  • B365A = Bet365 away win odds
  • home_rating_avg: home team’s average EA FIFA rating
  • away_rating_avg: away team’s average EA FIFA rating

In a perfect world where I had a bit more data, I would include a flag for whether the game is home or away, if it’s near another fixture such as a cup game, weather conditions, etc.

    x <- as.matrix(bale$data[,c(5,42:44,76:77)])   #covariates to match on
    tr <- bale$data$trt                            #treatment variable
    y <- bale$data$player_goals                    #response we're measuriong
## [1] "stage"           "B365H"           "B365D"           "B365A"          
## [5] "home_rating_avg" "away_rating_avg"

See my comments below and the Matching package’s documention for more insight as to what these parameters are doing in this optimal matching scenario:

    m <- Match(Y=y,
          M=1, replace=TRUE,                           #one-to-one matching with replacement
          caliper=2.0,                                 #how large these distribution are allowed to span
          ties=TRUE,                                   #ties are allowed, weighted means are calculated if necessary
          Weight=2)                                    #Mahalanobis distance

It is always recommended to check the balance of your covariates using this function. I won’t print this function since it is reallllllly long, but basically you should at the minimum look to see if your variance ratio of treatments to controls got closer to 1 and your Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests are significant.

    mb <- MatchBalance(tr ~ x, match.out = m, nboots = 1000)

## [1] 58
## [1] 58

Our matching kept 58 games for each group, totalling to 116 games. What’s the difference in goals per game for Gareth’s matched Tottenham and Real Madrid games?

##           [,1]
## [1,] 0.2586207

Wow! So when controlling for “similar” games he played in for Tottenham and Real Madrid, we estimate that Gareth scores on average a quarter of a goal more per game as a madridista! But is this result statistically significant?

    CIs <- cbind(m$est - 1.96*m$se.standard , m$est + 1.96*m$se.standard)
    colnames(CIs) <- c("Lower 95 Conf. Level" , "Upper 95 Conf. Level")
##      Lower 95 Conf. Level Upper 95 Conf. Level
## [1,]           0.03671373            0.4805277

Using a 95% confidence interval, I would say yes!

Assumptions, Caveats, & Other Considerations

As I mentioned earlier, there are other covariates I could’ve used that theoretically make sense and could potentially improve the balance. I could’ve included a propensity score as a covariate or even matched using GenMatch()’s genetic algorithm. It’s also important to note that I’m pushing the boundaries when it comes to sample sizes in this example. More games for each team would’ve been preferable.

In terms of the causal effect I estimated remember a couple things:

  1. This effect only applies to the games I matched on and not all the other games. By doing this we are obviously throwing away a lot of data.
  2. This method is simply a nonparameteric way of estimating a causal effect. “Without an experiment, natural experiment, a discontinuity, or some other strong design, no amount of econometric or statistical modeling can make the move from correlation to causation persuasive” - Jasjeet S. Sekhon.


I eventually figured out how to join player ratings using the closest date thanks to this post.

For more technical details on Matching and its implemenation in R check out this paper.

The kaggle discussion board was helpful in general, particularly on how to parse the XML game event data to get goals and assists by player.


I hope you find these tables useful for your own study!

    matches <- data.frame(dbGetQuery(db,"SELECT * FROM Match"))
    players <- data.frame(dbGetQuery(db,"SELECT * FROM Player"))
    teams <- data.frame(dbGetQuery(db,"SELECT * FROM Team"))
    player_atts <- data.frame(dbGetQuery(db,"SELECT * FROM Player_Attributes"))

    player_list <- c("Robin van Persie", "Gareth Bale","Luis Suarez","Diego Costa","Edinson Cavani",
                     "Cesc Fabregas","Robert Lewandowski","Gonzalo Higuain","Luka Modric",
                     "Alexis Sanchez","Mesut Oezil","Radamel Falcao","Zlatan Ibrahimovic",
                     "Sergio Aguero","Mario Goetze", "Eden Hazard","David Villa","Juan Mata",
                     "Edin Dzeko","Ezequiel Lavezzi","Fernando LLorente","Daniel Sturridge",
                     "Alessandro Matri","Carlos Tevez","David Silva"
    p <- dplyr::filter(players, grepl(paste(player_list, collapse="|"), player_name))
##    player_api_id        player_name            birthday height weight
## 1          41411   Alessandro Matri 1984-08-19 00:00:00 182.88    176
## 2          50047     Alexis Sanchez 1988-12-19 00:00:00 170.18    137
## 3          38817       Carlos Tevez 1984-02-05 00:00:00 172.72    157
## 4          30613      Cesc Fabregas 1987-05-04 00:00:00 175.26    163
## 5          51553   Daniel Sturridge 1989-09-01 00:00:00 187.96    168
## 6          37459        David Silva 1986-01-08 00:00:00 170.18    148
## 7          30909        David Villa 1981-12-03 00:00:00 175.26    152
## 8          19243        Diego Costa 1988-10-07 00:00:00 187.96    187
## 9         107417        Eden Hazard 1991-01-07 00:00:00 172.72    163
## 10         15403         Edin Dzeko 1986-03-17 00:00:00 193.04    185
## 11         49677     Edinson Cavani 1987-02-14 00:00:00 182.88    157
## 12         18925   Ezequiel Lavezzi 1985-05-03 00:00:00 172.72    165
## 13         31921        Gareth Bale 1989-07-16 00:00:00 182.88    163
## 14         25759    Gonzalo Higuain 1987-12-10 00:00:00 182.88    181
## 15         41468          Juan Mata 1988-04-28 00:00:00 170.18    139
## 16         40636        Luis Suarez 1987-01-24 00:00:00 182.88    187
## 17         31097        Luka Modric 1985-09-09 00:00:00 175.26    143
## 18        177714       Mario Goetze 1992-06-03 00:00:00 175.26    159
## 19         36378        Mesut Oezil 1988-10-15 00:00:00 182.88    168
## 20         22543     Radamel Falcao 1986-02-10 00:00:00 177.80    159
## 21         93447 Robert Lewandowski 1988-08-21 00:00:00 185.42    174
## 22         30843   Robin van Persie 1983-08-06 00:00:00 187.96    157
## 23         37412      Sergio Aguero 1988-06-02 00:00:00 172.72    163
## 24         35724 Zlatan Ibrahimovic 1981-10-03 00:00:00 195.58    209
    team_list <- c("Madrid","Valencia","Barcelona","Arsenal","Chelsea","Tottenham",
                   "Paris","Lille","Monaco","Wolfsburg","Dortmund","Bayern Munich"
    t <- dplyr::filter(teams, grepl(paste(team_list, collapse="|"), team_long_name))
##    team_api_id      team_long_name
## 1        10260   Manchester United
## 2         9825             Arsenal
## 3         8650           Liverpool
## 4         8456     Manchester City
## 5         8586   Tottenham Hotspur
## 6         8455             Chelsea
## 7         9829           AS Monaco
## 8         9847 Paris Saint-Germain
## 9         8639          LOSC Lille
## 10        9823    FC Bayern Munich
## 11        9789   Borussia Dortmund
## 12        8721       VfL Wolfsburg
## 13        8529            Cagliari
## 14        9885            Juventus
## 15        8564               Milan
## 16        9875              Napoli
## 17        8636               Inter
## 18       10267         Valencia CF
## 19        8633      Real Madrid CF
## 20        8634        FC Barcelona
## 21        9906     Atlético Madrid